Eranomele Melaebbasta

Melebbasta is an italian lively sparkling cider made by Eranomele in Italy. Melebbasta in Italian means “just apples” which points to the all natural ingredients of this cider. It’s a fun and refreshing drink made with a blend of table apples from the Piedmont (Piemonte in Italian) region in Italy.

Melebbasta at glance

  • Region: Piemonte, Italy
  • Alcohol: 4.5%
  • Style: sparkling, semi sweet
  • Vintage: n/a
  • Apple varieties: blend of Italian table apples from Piemonte
Eranomele_Melaebbasta cider in a glass_featured image

Cider flavour profile

  • See: vibrant hay colour, transparent, carbonated
  • Smell: clean, strongly reminiscent of white wine, with a strong minerality
  • Taste: mildly sweet, vibrantly bubbly (almost prosecco-like), quite soft in tannins, but juicy and medium acidity; medium finish with notes of poached apples

Tasting Notes on Melaebbasta by Eranomele

My first impression of Melebbasta on the nose was that of being caught off-guard by how wine-like it smelt. Very mineral and clean, with mild spice notes that I struggle pinpointing. To the palate, it is refreshing and easy to drink; incredibly lively thanks to a very energetic perlage, and intensely juicy with notes of poached apple and spices. It’s mildly sweet, so much that it doesn’t bore a palate like mine which favours dry ciders and I would be interested to hear what someone with a sweeter tooth might think of it.

Eranomele_Melaebbasta Cider detail colour

As if all of this was not enough, Melebbasta comes in an incredibly colorful and fun can, with amazing artwork that gives this cider a really cool and modern look. This does not come as a surprise given that Eranomele (Italian for “They were apples”) is the first metropolitan cidery in Italy, that presents itself as the perfect place for craft ciders enthusiasts as well as occasional drinkers to explore all the options available. If you are keen to learn more I recommend visiting Eraomele website, especially their shop where you can find Melebbasta available.

Notes from the producers

Original language (Italian)Erano mele. E basta. Ora e’ un sidro dissetante, rotondo e facile da bere. Ottenuto dalla pressatura fresca di mele dolci e acide. Melebbasta ti teletrasporta dagli scorci urbani ai profumati frutteti piemontesi accomagnandoti col suo aroma di mela croccante verso un finale dolece e fruttato. Da bere quando vuoi, dove vuoi, con chi vuoi.

English: “They were apples. And that was it.  Now it’s a thirst-quenching, round, easy-drinking cider made by freshly pressing sweet and sour apples. Melaebbasta teleports you from urban vistas to fragrant Piedmont orchards, accompanying you with its crisp apple aroma toward a sweet, fruity finish. Drink when you want, where you want, with whom you want.

Food pairing

Melebbasta is so easy to drink that it doesn’t really need any sort of pairing besides itself. It’s lively and fun, and able to pair with such a variety of food options especially for Apertivo time. Try this with snacks like charcuteries and mixed crostini, but also pizza Margherita or even Panzanella (an Italian bread and tomato based recipe from Tuscany). 
